Be a trend setter with SMAQ SQUAD: a Fashion Brand Company with Purpose. Explore all our fashionable merchandise ranging from
clothing, accessories, books, music, music videos and much more...
Become a SMAQ Squad Member! Follow SMAQ on most social media platforms.

Introducing SMAQ.
Get ready for an exhilarating adventure like no other with SMAQ & The SMAQ SQUAD! Join SMAQ on his quest to eradicate hatred, bullying, and bigotry. Together, they’ll rise against “The Garbage Mentality” and change lives. Brace yourself for an electrifying journey of unity, compassion, and empowerment. SMAQ & The SMAQ SQUAD: the revolution begins soon, and it will leave you breathless!
our mission
what we are trying to achieve
By wearing SMAQ, you are also joining the SMAQ SQUAD, a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about creating positive change. The SMAQ SQUAD is made up of people from all walks of life who come together to support each other and work towards a common goal of making the world a better place. When you wear SMAQ, you are showing that you are part of this community and that you are committed to spreading love and compassion wherever you go.

This Year’s Best Selling Items
Trends on image feed
“At SMAQ, we believe in spreading love, positivity, and inclusivity. Our mascot, SMAQ, is a garbage can with a heart of gold who teaches us to care for everyone and stand up against bullies. Together with The SMAQ SQUAD, we work towards making our communities better places for all. Through our empowering children’s book, hip hop music, and merchandise, we spread our message of love and acceptance to people of all ages. Join the SMAQ movement and together, we can combat hate with love and make the world a better place.”
